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  • Wood-Pressed Groundnut Oil 1 Ltr
  • Wood-Pressed Groundnut Oil 1 Ltr

Wood-Pressed Groundnut Oil 1 Ltr

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Product details
Until a decade ago cold-pressed groundnut oil was the primary means of ethnic Indian cooking. Unlike refined oils, cold-pressed oils do not contain any preservatives or undergo chemical processing. This allows the oil to be retained in its pure form with 100% natural ingredients intact. Natural groundnut oil has a range of dietary and medicinal benefits. At Gavyashree Goodness, we produce our groundnut oil using the traditional cold-press method whereby we ensure that it remains pure, natural, and highly beneficial for the consumers Gavyashree Cold-Pressed Groundnut Oil : Gavyashree Groundnut Oil is made with fresh, unroasted and selected peanuts of Rajasthan. Our extraction process is free from all chemicals or solvents. And that is why Gavyashree cold-pressed groundnut oils retain completely natural ingredients. Deep frying: Gavyashree cold-pressed groundnut oil has a high saturation point, making it best for deep frying. It makes your food more crispy and is ideal for cooking fried food dishes like wadas, samosas or pooris. Health Benefits : 1. It is rich in antioxidants which lower the risk of heart disease. 2. A good source of vitamin E and micronutrients, which is good for a healthy life. 3. Phytosterols and Resveratrol in cold-pressed groundnut oil also have a lot of health benefits

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